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Health Notes!

Tips, recipes and links for a better,  healtier you.

General Health


When first facing a health problem we all tend to run to our doctor and then just go from there.

Anyone who has had to endure tests and scans knows how much running around there is involved. Combine that with being told you need to start taking medication and you are surely starting on the treadmill of doctors visits, chemist visit and so on.

You are getting bombarded with information regarding what ails you. Then more info about treatment and or medication that will help you get better again and before you know it you are well and truly part of the pharmaceutical wheel.

Technology has improved and more testing is done then ever before; so why is it that so many people remain sick or just never get better?

How many of you question the doctor or question the prescription that you are given?

Links to websites:

One of the websites that I really recommend is the future of cancer research site called Cancer Tutor.

It's a site that the media won't be promoting and one every person needs to have the link to. Far from me to try and explain, do yourself a favour and click the button and have a look for yourself.

herbs & spices
​Diseases & Pharmaceutical Monopoly





Modern technology, more research, advanced laboratories, more medicine, media exposure, huge pharmaceutical companies and the list goes on.

With all the latest and so called best technology available to mankind, why is it that more people today are sick?

Billions and billions of dollars are spend on medicine; hospitals are expanded and more build; yet it seems that we are no closer to a cure for some of the dreaded diseases we're suffering with.

We are being bombarded with all these new medications and treatments but none seem to be doing what they claim it will do.
We as people are swallowing more pills now then ever before and to what cost?

Doctors are prescribing what the pharmaceutical companies tell them is best and that is according to their research. And this is where I question the whole process.


Our lives at present are in the hands of pharmaceutical companies who use our doctors as the messengers and sales persons. Our governments turn a blind eye to what is happening because they too get a slice of the profits made.
Then there are the share holders that want to make a profit as well; I guess you get the picture here.


And all of this has nothing to do with trying to cure dreadful diseases.
What it is doing though is making us dependent on a lot of medication and for all the wrong reasons.

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